Beth Wood - NC State Auditor

conference speaker


Beth Wood is a Certified Public Accountant in her fourth term as North Carolina’s elected State Auditor.  She is a long-time public servant with nearly 30 years of auditing experience, having worked in the Auditor’s Office for nearly 10 years before her election in 2008 and also in the State Treasurer’s Office.  Before that, she worked for several companies in the private sector.
Beth is the first woman elected State Auditor in North Carolina.

Through her work as State Auditor, Beth has worked to strengthen and improve state government. By focusing in the areas of Medicaid, Transportation, Cares Act Spending, and Information Technology, her administration has identified hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in wasteful spending. These audits have resulted in legislation to improve the oversight and efficiency of state government, earning her office the nickname of the “Taxpayers’ Watchdog.”