Policy List (for buying entities) Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
Policy List (for buying entities)

Source code is located in CCPUBLIC

Use this report to review the purchasing accounting policy setup for a buying entity or range of buying entities.

This report series contains three reports that list policy information for buying entities; paying entities; and mini-chart of account indicators. The report on buying entity policy contains the following:

(1) Buying Entity Setup information as setup by the OSC on PS screen BEN.
(2) Buying Entity Controls information as setup by the OSC on PS screen BEC.
(3) Buyer Setup information as setup on PS screen BUY. This information may also be viewed online using the PS inquiry screen BIL-Buyer ID List.
(4) Miscellaneous purchasing descriptions as setup on screen DSC. This information may also be viewed online using the PS inquiry screen DTL- Detail Table.
(5) Buying Entity Defaults information as setup by the OSC on PS screen BED.
(6) Requester Definition information as setup by the OSC on PS screen RED. This information may also be viewed online using the PS inquiry screen RCL-Requester Code List.
(7) Buyer Entity GL Options information as set up by the OSC on PS screen BGO.


Column Headings
This report is not laid out in rows/columns. Each type of information is printed on a different page with a report layout that resembles the NCAS data input screen. The most common fields on each of these buying entity policy pages are described below.

  • BUYING ENTITY - buying entity identification code
  • NAME - agency name associated with this buying entity code. This name prints on purchase orders.
  • ADDRESS - up to four lines of address information. This information prints on the purchase orders.
  • POSTAL CODE - zip code in the format XXXXX-XXXX. This information prints on the purchase orders.
  • PHONE NUMBER - telephone number in the format 999-999-9999. This information prints on the purchase orders.
  • BUYER PURGE MONTHS - used in the system calculation to determine when a buyer ID with no activity is automatically purged from the system.
  • BEGINNING REQ NUMBER -first available requisition number for this buying entity.
  • ENDING REQ NUMBER - last available requisition number for this buying entity.
  • LAST REQ NUMBER - last requisition number used by this buying entity.
  • BEGINNING RFQ NUMBER - first available request for quote number for this buying entity.
  • ENDING RFQ NUMBER - last available request for quote number for this buying entity.
  • LAST RFQ NUMBER - last request for quote number used by this buying entity
  • BEGINNING PO NUMBER - the first available purchase order number for this buying entity.
  • ENDING PO NUMBER - last available purchase order number for this buying entity.
  • LAST PO NUMBER - last purchase order number used by this buying entity
  • BUYER ID - code assigned to this buyer
  • BUYER NAME - name associated with this buyer ID code. This information prints on the purchase orders created under this buyer ID.
  • PHONE NUMBER - telephone number associated with this buyer ID code. This information prints on the purchase orders created under this buyer ID.
  • MAX PO AMOUNT - maximum dollar amount for which this buyer can create a purchase order. An error message is generated if the buyer attempts to create a purchase order above this amount.
  • TYPE - identifies whether these descriptions are buying entity descriptions (BUY) or paying entity descriptions (PAY).
  • DESC CODE - three character abbreviation for this description
  • ABBREV DESC - fifteen character short name for this description
  • DESCRIPTION - complete description information

Receiver Controls:

  • % TOLERANCE OVER - percent of the quantity ordered by which the quantity received can exceed the quantity ordered without generating an exception. During receipt entry, if the quantity received exceeds this tolerance, an exception occurs and processing is delayed until the exception is resolved.
  • % TOLERANCE UNDER - percent of the quantity ordered by which the quantity received can be less than the quantity ordered, yet still allow the purchase order line to be closed to receiving
  • DELIVERY POINT - code which identifies whether the receipt location recorded on the receiving record (the RSU screen) must match the ship-to code on the purchase order line (the PL1 screen). The options are:
  • N Do not check
  • W Check and issue a warning (default value)
  • E Check and issue an exception
  • EARLY DELIVERY - code to determine if early delivery by the vendor is allowed. The DELIVERY DATE (the RSU screen) is checked to determine if it matches the vendor's PROMISE DATE (the PL1 screen). The options are:
  • N Do not check for early delivery
  • W Check and issue a warning
  • E Check and issue an exception
  • LATE DELIVERY - code to determine if a late delivery date by the vendor is allowed. The DELIVERY DATE (the RSU screen) is checked to determine if it matches the vendor's PROMISE DATE (the PL1 screen). The options are:
  • N Do not check for late delivery
  • W Check and issue a warning
  • E Check and issue an exception

Invoice Control - Header:

1 Buying Entity, requisition number, requisition line number and requester ID

2 Catalog number and item number

3 Item description (truncated at 30 characters)

  • FREIGHT AUTHORIZED - Indicates [Y = Yes or N = No] if a freight charge is allowed on the invoice header.
  • DOC% TOL OVER - percent of the total purchase order amount, the maximum amount that the total invoice amount may exceed the total purchase order amount. If the invoice amount is out of tolerance, the PO line is automatically displayed for evaluation. This policy option applies only to the document level audit method.
  • DOC% TOL UNDER - percent of the total purchase order amount, the maximum amount that the total invoice amount may be less than the total purchase order amount. If the invoice amount is out of tolerance, the PO line is automatically displayed for evaluation. This policy option applies only to the document level audit method.
  • VENDOR MATCH REQD - code to indicate if the vendor number on the invoice must match the vendor number on the purchase order. The options are:
  • N Do not check vendor number
  • E Check vendor number and group number
  • B Check base vendor number only (not group number)
  • TAX/VAT AUTHORIZED - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to indicate if sales or value added tax can be entered on the PO and invoice headers
  • ADD COST AUTH - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to indicate if additional cost (such as handling or setup charges) can be entered on the PO and invoice headers
  • Invoice Controls-Detail:
  • PAYMENT BASIS - code that corresponds with the type of payment basis used when calculating permit-to-pay for documents in the specified Buying Entity. The options are:
  • P Purchase order
  • S Signature
  • R Receipt
  • I Inspection
  • PRICE TOL AMOUNT - amount to be added to and subtracted from the PO unit price to determine the upper and lower limits of the tolerance range. This field sets an allowable range, within which the vendor's invoice unit price must fall as compared with the purchase order line unit price
  • PRICE TOL PERCENT - percentage of the PO line unit price used to set the upper and lower tolerance limits. The unit price tolerance can be entered as an amount, as described above in PRICE TOL AMOUNT, and/or as a percentage of the PO line price. If both values are entered, the system automatically applies the more restrictive of the two ranges.
  • ADDL COST AUTH - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to indicate if any additional cost can be entered on the PO and/or invoice line.
  • EXTENDED VALUE TOL - amount by which the invoice line total may exceed the PO line extended value and still allow payment to proceed unimpeded. Extended value (price x quantity) tolerance is provided as an added check. It is checked only if the invoice line is within unit price tolerance. If the PRICE TOL PERCENT has been entered, the EXTENDED VALUE TOL is also figured using that percentage. The more restrictive of the two extended value tolerances is used for the permit-to-pay range.
  • TAX/VAT AUTH - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to indicate whether sales or value added tax may be included on a PO or invoice line.
  • REQUESTER ID - code which identifies the requester
  • REQUESTER NAME - name associated with this requester ID code
  • PHONE NUMBER - telephone number associated with this requester ID code
  • MAXIMUM REQ AMOUNT - maximum dollar amount for which this requester can create a requisition. An error message is generated if the requester attempts to create a requisition above this amount.
  • AUTOMATIC REQ APP - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to indicate if this requisitioner's documents are approved automatically.
  • DISTR REQUIRED CO/ACCT/CNTR - indicates whether the company, account, and center must be on all requisitions and purchase orders.
  • DISTRIBUTION VALIDATION - indicates whether the accounting distributions on requisitions and purchase orders are validated by Financial Controller
  • SUMMARIZE ENTRIES - indicates if the posting transactions resulting from requisition and purchase order lines are summarized for posting to the general ledger
  • DESCRIPTION 1 - determines the content and formatting of requisition and purchase order posting transactions. The options for requisitions are:

The options for purchase orders are:

  • 1 Buying Entity, purchase order number, blanket release number, purchase order line number and buyer ID

    2 Catalog number and vendor's item number

    3 Item description (truncated at 30 characters)

    4 If the PO line references a requisition line split: REQ (literal), Buying Entity, requisition number, requisition line number and requisition line split number

    If the PO line does not reference a requisition line split:PO (literal), Buying Entity, purchase order number, blanket release number and purchase order line number

    5 Contract number and contract date

    6 Vendor short name

  • DESCRIPTION 2 - determines the content and formatting of requisition and purchase order posting transactions. The options for requisitions are:


  • 1 Quantity requested SKU
    2 Requisition number
    3 Requester ID
    4 Quote number and quote sequence number

The options for purchase orders are:

  • 1 Vendor number and vendor group number

    2 Buyer ID

    3 Quote number and quote sequence number

    4 Quantity ordered UOP

    5 Vendor short name

  • DESCRIPTION 3 - determines the content and formatting of requisition and purchase order posting transactions. The options for requisitions are:
  • 1 Buying Entity and requisition line number

    2 Unit of measure

The options for purchase orders are:

  • 1 Paying Entity

    2 Buying Entity

    3 Unit of measure

    4 Vendor short name

  • STATISTICAL AMOUNT - indicates if the QUANTITY REQUESTED SKU (requisitions) or the QUANTITY ORDERED UOP (purchase orders) is passed in the statistical field on posting transactions. The options are:
  • Y Put quantity in statistical field
  • N Leave statistical field blank
  • COMMIT FUNDS - code [Y = Yes or N = No] to determine if the company/account/center combination cited on requisitions is checked for available funds.

Run Statements
The run statement member name is COM-POLICY-LIST-RUN

000210 ('42AA' '42ZZ')

Type over the displayed variable values with your agencys values.