NCAS Vendor Payment Totals by County Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
Ncas Vendor Payment Totals By County

Source code is located in APPUBLIC

Use this report to list total expenditures to date by county for vendors. This same information can also be accessed on-line in the Accounts Payable system on the Vendor Payments Totals (VPT) screen.

This report lists by county the amount paid to vendors for the current year and the current year amount due. Only vendors with a county code associated with a remit to address are included. The paying entity (or range of paying entities) is entered as a run-time-variable. The current fiscal year date is entered as a variable. This variable is only used in the report header. It is not used to select information.

This report gives totals by county and pay entity.

Column Headings

  • VENDOR NAME - vendor name as listed in the NCAS Vendor File
  • VENDOR NUMBER - vendor number
  • TOTAL PAID YEAR-TO-DATE - amount paid to the vendor to date
  • CURRENT PAYABLE - amount due to be paid to the vendor.
  • TOTAL - Total paid year-to-date plus the current payable

Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-AP-Vend-Pay-Totals-Cty-Run

000010 Option Library(Appublic)
000100 Run C-U-Ap-Vend-Pay-Totals-Cty
000110 Into Library Xxxxxxx
000200 Variable Current-Fiscal-Year
000300 '00/00/00'
000400 Select Cv-Paying-Entity
000500 'XXXX'

Type over the displayed variable values with your agency’s values.