Detail Listing by Vendor ID Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
Detail Listing By Vendor Id

Source code is located in APPUBLIC

Use this report to review year to date vendor invoice activity.

This report lists year to date invoice activity by vendor number for each invoice in the paying entity.

This report gives totals for vendor, pay entity, budget code, company and report.

Column Headings

  • VENDOR NUMBER - NCAS vendor number which is generally the Federal ID number
  • VENDOR GROUP - NCAS vendor group location number
  • VENDOR SHORT NAME - vendor short name as listed in the NCAS Vendor File
  • PAYMENT DATE - check date
  • PAYMENT NBR -identifies multiple payments against the same invoice number
  • PAYMENT PTL - identifies partial payments against the same invoice number
  • DOCUMENT NUMBER - invoice number
  • DOCUMENT LINE - invoice line number
  • DOCUMENT EXP AMT - amount on the invoice coded to the account distribution including tax, freight, and additional cost roration amounts.
  • GENERAL LEDGER COMP - company charged on this invoice line
  • GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT - account charged on this invoice line
  • GENERAL LEDGER CENTER - center charged on this invoice line
  • TYPE-AP -employee payment type which may be EXP (expense), TADV (temporary advance) or PADV (permanent advance)

Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-AP-Bcd-Detail-List-Run

000010 Option Library(Appublic)
000100 Run C-U-Ap-Bcd-Detail-List
000110 Into Library Xxxxxxx
000200 Select Ap-Paying-Entity
000300 'XXXX'

Type over the displayed variable values with your agency’s values.