Accounting System Prepayment By Bank Account - Prepay 2 Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
North Carolina State Accounting System
Prepayment By Bank Account

Source code is in APPUBLIC

Use this report to review by date, fund, company and paying entity checks that will be paid if BCC and PCC screens are set similar to report run time parameters. Will give user an idea of what invoices are in the system to be paid in a future check run.

This report contains the gross amount of invoices by pay entity, fund, company and vendor that can be set to generate checks along with the account distribution charged.

This report gives totals for fund, company and report.

Column Headings

  • VENDOR NUMBER - the NCAS vendor number- Federal ID Number
  • VENDOR NAME - the vendor short name as listed in the NCAS Vendor File
  • INVOICE NUMBER - the Invoice Number
  • INVOICE DATE - the vendor invoice date
  • ACCOUNT NUMBER- the GL Account
  • CENTER NUMBER- the GL Center
  • GROSS AMOUNT- the future check amount, this include tax, freight and additional cost.
  • SCHED PAY DATE- The date an invoice is set to pay in the NCAS system. This date is used to pull check for check printing.

Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-AP-Prepayment-Register-Run

000100 option library(appublic)
000200 run c-u-ap-prepayment-register
000300 into library xxxxxxxx
000400 variable wk-report-from-date
000500 '00/00/00'
000600 variable wk-report-to-date
000700 '00/00/00'
000800 select ap-paying-entity
000900 'xxxx'
001000 select ap-pymt-mthd-code-1
001100 'xxx'
001200 **********************************************************************
001300 * directions.*
001400 .*
001500 * ap-paying-entity this is a (4a) field.*
001600 * you may do a generic select on paying entity as follows.*
001700 * ('01aa' '01zz') .*
001800 * replace the 'aa' and 'zz' with a valid paying .*
001900 .*
002000 * ap-pymt-mthd-code-1 is a (3a) field.*
002100 * you may do a generic select on bap codes as follows:*
002200 * ('01a' '01z') or *
002300 * replace the 'a' and 'z' with a valid bap codes*
002400 *
002500 * wk-report-from-date - enter the beginning date (mm/dd/yy) *
002600 * that you want to begin locating*
002700 * open or outstanding checks. *
002800 *
002900 *
003000 * wk-report-to-date - enter the ending date (mm/dd/yy) *
003100 * that you want to end locating*
003200 * open or outstanding checks.
003300 *
003400 *
003500 *** attention: please read the following before you run this job ***
003600 * place correct paying entities and bap codes for your agency.