433XXX - Investment Income

Revenues derived from financial investments or loans made by the state which includes interest earned for the use of financial resources over a period of time.

The following two definitions are used in determining whether investment earnings and realized/unrealized gains/losses should be recorded as general revenues or program revenues:

Program Revenue – Investment earnings that are legally restricted for use in specific functions or programs.
General Revenue – Investment earnings that are not legally restricted for use in specific functions or programs.

Account Title
433110 Interest/Dividend Income on Investments  - Program Revenue
433111 Interest/Dividend Income on Investments -  Nonoperating  - Program Revenue 
Used by proprietary funds to record nonoperating interest/dividend income.
433112 Interest Income - Bond Proceeds – Program Revenue
Used to record interest income on bond proceeds.
433113 Interest/Dividend Income on Investments  - General Revenue
433114 Interest Income - Bond Proceeds – General Revenue
Used to record interest income on bond proceeds.
433120 STIF Interest Income – Program Revenue
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Short Term Investment Fund.
433121 STIF Interest Income - Nonoperating  - Program Revenue
Used by proprietary funds to record nonoperating monthly interest earned on funds invested in the Short Term Investment Fund.
433122 STIF Interest Income – General Revenue
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Short Term Investment Fund.
433125 Equity Index Fund Interest Income - Program Revenue
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Equity Index Fund.
433126 Equity Index Fund Interest Income - Nonoperating Program Revenue
Used by proprietary funds to record nonoperating monthly interest earned on funds invested in the Equity Index Fund.
433127 Equity Index Fund Interest Income - General Revenue
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Equity Index Fund.
433130 LTIF Interest Income – Program Revenue 
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Long Term Investment Fund.
433131 LTIF Interest Income - Nonoperating  - Program Revenue
Used by proprietary funds to record nonoperating monthly interest earned on funds invested in the Long Term Investment Fund.
433132 LTIF Interest Income – General Revenue 
Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Long Term Investment Fund.
433135 Bond Index Fund Interest Income-Program Revenue

Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Bond Index Fund.

433136 Bond Index Fund Interest Income-Nonoperating Program Revenue

Used by proprietary funds to record nonoperating monthly interest earned on funds invested in the Bond Index Fund.


Bond Index Fund Interest Income-General Revenue

Used to record the monthly interest earned on investments in the Bond Index Fund.

433140 Equity Fund Interest Income 
Used to record the interest on investments in the Equity Investment Fund.
433150 Real Estate Fund Interest Income 
Used to record the interest earned on the investments made in the Real Estate Investment Fund.
433160 Venture Capital Fund Interest Income 
Used to record interest earned on the investments in the Venture  Capital Investment Fund.

Inflation Protection Investment Fund Interest Income
Used to record interest earned on the investments in the Inflation Protection Investment Fund


Credit Investment Fund Interest Income
Used to record interest earned on the investments in the Credit Investment Fund

433200 Interest Earnings on Loans  - Program Revenue
Used to account for interest earnings that are used within the loan program.
433210 Construction Period Interest
433300 Endowment Income
433400 Securities Lending Income