211100-214300; 217100 - Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities

Accounts Payable
This account includes short term obligations, representing claims against the State.
211100 Accounts Payable
211110 Due to Employees
211120 Prize Liability
211120001 Unused Unclaimed Prize Liability
211121 Low Tier Prize Liability
211122 Prize Liability - Rollover
211122003 Prize Liability - Rollover Match 3
211122004 Prize Liability - Rollover Match 4
211122005 Prize Liability - Rollover Match 5
211122035 Prize Liability - Rollover 3rd Tier
211122045 Prize Liability - Rollover 4th Tier
211123 Prize Liability - Breakage
Accrued Liabilities
This account subgroup consists of incurred liability that is the result of recognizing expenditures on the modified or full accrual basis of accounting.
211210 Accrued Salaries and Wages
211220 Withholdings and Employer Matching Payable
211230 Payroll Garnishment Payable
211240 Central Payroll Clearing
211250 Electronic Payables Clearing
211255 Payroll Benefits Payable Clearing
211260 Procurement Card Clearing (This account is no longer valid beginning January 2005. Use account 535675- P Card Clearing instead).
211270 A/P Recovery Clearing
211280 Set Off Debt Clearing
This account is used as part of an automated process garnishing vendor payments of other NCAS agencies for delinquent tax payments due to Department of Revenue (DOR).  This account will be used as the offset for the recording of a garnishment debit memo to the vendor and a setoff invoice to DOR in AP at the agencies which will be generated through the automated process during nightly production. This account is to only be used as part of the automated process and must have a zero balance on both cash and GAAP basis.
Intergovernmental Payables
This account subgroup includes amounts due to local governments, municipalities, school units, federal agencies, and other state governments.
211310 Local Government Payable
This account is used to record payables to local government units such as counties, cities and towns, school units, council on government agencies (COG's), municipal finance agencies, etc.
211311 Liability Reserve - Sales and Use Tax   OSC Use Only
211320 Federal Agency Payable
211325 Payables to Other States
To record payables to agencies, authorities, commissions, departments, etc. of other states, not NC agencies. NCAS title is INTERGOV PAY-OTHER STATES.
211330 Liability Reserve for White Goods OSC Use Only
211340 Liability Reserve for Scrap Tire OSC Use Only
211350 Liability Reserve - Beverage Tax OSC Use Only
211360 Liability Reserve - Franchise Tax OSC Use Only
211370 Liability Reserve for Solid Waste Disposal Tax - OSC Use Only
Other Liabilities
This account subgroup is used to record other payables not classified elsewhere.
211400 Arbitrage Rebate Payable
The liability to the federal government for any excess earnings occurring when a profit is created due to investing funds borrowed at the lower tax-exempt rate of interest in higher yielding, taxable securities. (i.e.. The investment of the proceeds from the sale of tax-exempt securities in a taxable money market instrument that yields a higher rate, resulting interest revenue in excess of interest costs).
211500 Due to Defer Comp Participants
211600 Tax Refunds Payable
211601 Premium Tax Credit Payable-State
211910 Obligation For Workers Compensation
211915 Annuity and Life Income Payable
211918 Federal Unemployment Account Advance-Current
Account for use only by the Employment Security Commission to record advances from the Federal Unemployment Account to pay unemployment benefits. This account represents the portion that is due within one year. See account 221918 for the corresponding noncurrent account.
211919 Pollution Remediation Payable - Current
211920 Accrued Vacation
211925   Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) – Current
To record current liability related to ARO as defined by GASB 83.  (New for FY 2019)
211930 Health Benefits Clearing
211930400 Health Benefits Pay #400
211930405 Health Benefits Pay #405
211930410 Health Benefits Pay #410
211940 Accrued Sales Tax Payable
211941 DMV Sales Tax Payable
To accrue sales tax payable to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
211950 1099 Withholding
211950001 Fed Income Tax withholding on prize $600 - $5000 for US Citizen 28%
211950002 Fed Income Tax withholding on prize > $5000 for US Citizen 25%
211951 State nonresident withholding
This account is used to record the 4% withholding from payments of services to non-state residents, as required by G.S. 105-163
211951001 State Income Tax withholding on prize for US Citizen 7%
211952 Federal/State 1099 nonresident withholding
211953 Nonresident Alien Withholding
This account is used to record the 30% withholding requirement for foreign nationals that do business with state agencies and do not provide the appropriate withholding forms before payment is due
211953001 Fed Income Tax withholding on prize for Nonresident Alien 30%
211953002 State Income Tax withholding on prize for Nonresident Alien 7%
211954 1099 Federal Withholding 14% for Nonresident Aliens
This account is used to record the 14% withholding requirement for nonresident aliens NRAs). The withholding is applicable to J-1 NRA visa holders with no tax identification number (TIN#). The classification will be "non-qualified scholarship/fellowship to NRA recipients" for tax purposes.
211960 Escheats Payable
To be used by agencies to record funds escheated to the State Treasurer.
211970 Federal Funds Payable Clearing
211971 Other Contracts/Grants Payable Clearing
Account used to track payables due to cover federal expenditures. This account will be consolidated with the Federal Funds Receivable Clearing Account at year end.
211990 Other Liabilities - Accrued Liabilities
211991 Investment Derivatives Liability - Noncurrent
This account is used to record an investment derivative with a negative fair value.
213100 Obligations Under Reverse Purchase Agreement
This account consists of payables that arise from a reverse purchase agreement. A reverse purchase agreement is an agreement in which a broker-dealer or financial institution (buyer-lender) transfers cash to a government entity (seller-borrower); the government entity transfers securities to the broker-dealer or financial institution and promises to repay the cash plus interest in exchange for the same securities or different securities.
213150 Obligations under securities lending transactions
213200 Notes from Direct Borrowings (old title: Notes Payable)
This account represents the current portion of long-term debts or obligations due within the current year or within one year of the reporting date.  Direct borrowings have terms negotiated directly with a lender and are not offered for public sale.  Bank loans and Guaranteed Energy Savings contracts should be classified as notes from direct borrowings.(Note: Account was formerly titled Notes Payable.  Effective for year end 6/30/2020, account title changed to Notes from Direct Borrowings).

Payables Clearing
To record clearing account activity that results in a payable transaction. This account must have a zero balance at June 30. The last two positions of the account number and the account title are defined by the agency. The flexibility in this account must not be used to replace any existing statewide account, such as:

  • 211230 - Payroll Garnishment Payable
  • 211240 - Central Payroll Clearing
  • 211930 - Health Benefits Clearing
  • 211940 - Accrued Sales Tax Payable
  • 211941 - DMV Sales Tax Payable  
214100 Lease Liability
This account represents the current portion of lease obligations due within the current year or within one year of the reporting date.  This account is not for use by governmental funds.
214200 Subscription (SBITA) Liability
This account represents the current portion of subscription-based IT arrangements obligations due within the current year or within one year of the reporting date.  This account is not for use by governmental funds.
214300 PPP Liability
This account represents the current portion of an operator’s PPP liability under GASB Statement 94 for installment payments and is the amount due within the current year or within one year of the reporting date.  This account is not for use by governmental funds.
217110 Contract Retainage
This account is used to record the amounts retained from contractors' estimates pending final acceptance.
University Intra-Agency Payables

This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer of funds between fund types within a university.

Note:  Beginning with year-end 2002, university intra-agency receivables and payables and their related revenues and expenses must be eliminated for year-end reporting; therefore, the balances in accounts 212191-212199 must be zero at June 30.

212191 Due To Unrestricted Current Fund
212192 Due To Proprietary Fund
212193 Due To Restricted Current Fund
212194 Due To Loan Fund
212195 Due To Endowment Fund
212196 Due To Agency Fund
212197 Due To Unexpended Plant Fund
212198 Due To Debt Service Fund
212199 Due To Investment in Plant Fund
General Government Intra-Agency Payables
This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer between fund types within a General Government Agency.
212310 Due To General Fund
212311 Due To Special Revenue Fund
212313 Due To Capital Improvement Fund
212314 Due To Enterprise Fund
212315 Due To Internal Service Fund
212318 Due To Pension Trust Fund
212319 Due To Agency Fund
212320 Due To Permanent Fund
212321 Due To Private Purpose Trust


General Government Inter-Agency Payables
This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer of funds between General Government Agencies.
212410 Due To General Fund
212411 Due To Special Revenue Fund
212413 Due To Capital Improvement Fund
212414 Due To Enterprise Fund
212415 Due To Internal Service Fund
212418 Due To Pension Trust Fund
212419 Due To Agency Fund
212420 Due to Permanent Fund
212421 Due To Private Purpose Trust
212500 Due to Primary Government Agencies
This account includes the authorized transfer of moneys to a Primary Government Agency from a Component Unit. (i.e., transfer from a university to a primary government agency.)
212600 Due to State of NC Component Units
This account is used to record payables to discretely presented component units of the State of North Carolina.  For example, state agencies, universities and colleges and other component units will use this account to record amounts due to the State Education Assistance Authority, a component unit of the State of NC.  This account is also used by universities to record amounts due to other universities.
212700 Due to Agency/Institution Component Units
This account is used to record payables to discretely presented component units of an agency or institution.  Universities and colleges will use this account to record amounts due to their component unit foundations.