114191-114910 - Interfund Receivables and Beneficial Interests

This account group consists of transfers between fund types and State departments and universities within State Government. Operating transfers and reimbursements are classified in this account group.

University Intra-Agency Receivables

This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer of funds between fund types within a university.

NOTE: Beginning with year-end 2002, university intra-agency receivables and payables and their related revenues and expenses must be eliminated for year-end reporting; therefore, the balances in accounts 114191-114199 must be zero at June 30.

Account Title


Due From Unrestricted Current Fund 


Due From Proprietary Fund 


Due From Restricted Current Fund 


Due From Loan Fund 


Due From Endowment Fund 


Due From Agency Fund 


Due From Unexpended Plant Fund 


Due From Debt Service Fund 


Due From Investment in Plant Fund

Primary Government Intra-Agency Receivables

This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer of funds between fund types within a Primary Government Agency. These accounts are not valid for component units. Component units should use accts 114600 or 114700 as needed.

Account Title


Due From General Fund 


Due From Special Revenue Fund


Due From Capital Improvement Fund


Due From Enterprise Fund


Due From Internal Service Fund


Due From Pension Trust Fund


Due From Agency Fund


Due From Permanent Fund


Due From Private Purpose Trust

Primary Government Inter-Agency Receivables

This account subgroup includes the authorized transfer of funds between Primary Government Agencies. These accounts are not valid for component units. Component units should use accts 114600 or 114700 as needed.

Account Title


Due From General Fund 


Due From Special Revenue Fund


Due From Debt Service Fund (This account is no longer active)


Due From Capital Improvement Fund


Due From Enterprise Fund


Due From Internal Service Fund


Due From Pension Trust Fund


Due From Agency Fund


Due From Permanent Fund

114421 Due From Private Purpose Trust

114501 Advances of Coronavirus Funds to outside of the State's reporting entity

This account is used to record advances of Coronavirus Funds made by OSBM and other State agencies to entities outside of the State’s reporting entity ahead of eligible expenditures being incurred by the receiving entity by fiscal year end.

114600 Due From Primary Government Agencies

This account is used only by State of NC component units to record amounts due from primary government state agencies. This account is invalid for primary government state agencies. Use accounts 1143XX and 1144XX for primary government Intra and Inter-agency receivables.

114700 Due From State of NC Component Units

This account is used to record receivables from discretely presented component units of the State of North Carolina.  For example, state agencies, universities, colleges and other component units will use this account to record amounts due from the Golden LEAF Foundation, a component unit of the State of NC. This account is also used by universities to record amounts due from other universities.

114800 Due from Agency/Institution Component Units

This account is used to record receivables from discretely presented compnent units of an agency or institution.  Universities and colleges will use this account to record amounts due from their component unit foundations.

114910 Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others – Current

For the current portion of the beneficial interest defined by GASB Statement No. 81, Irrevocable Split- Interest Agreements.  (Only applicable when a third party is the intermediary and the government is a beneficiary.)  A beneficial interest is the right to a portion of the benefits from donated resources pursuant to a split-interest agreement in which the donor enters into a trust or other legally enforceable agreement with characteristics that are equivalent to a split-interest agreement, and transfers the resources to an intermediary.