Report 3: Accounts Receivable Customer List by Company Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
State Of North Carolina Accounts Receivable System
Customer List By Customer Name

Source code is located in ARPUBLIC

Use this report to locate accounts receivables customers by customer name.

This report contains the contents of the AR customer file. The report is sorted by AR customer name. Other reports in this series include the Customer List by Company report and the Customer List by Customer Number report.


Column Headings

  • CUSTOMER NAME - the customer name as listed on the NCAS AR customer file
  • ABBREVIATED NAME- the customer short name as listed on the NCAS AR customer file
  • COMPANY NUMBER - the GL Company
  • CUSTOMER NUMBER - the AR customer number as list on the NCAS AR customer file. This number is generally the SSN or FID number.

Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-AR-Customer-Xref-List-Run

000010 Option Library(Arpublic)
000100 Run C-U-Ar-Customer-Xref-List
000110 Into Library Xxxxxxxx
000200 Select Ar-Co-Number
000300 'XX'
000400 'XX'
000500 'XX'
000600 'XX'