129100-129900 - Other Non-Current Assets




Prepaid Items - Non-Current
This account is for prepaid rent, insurance and subscriptions, and includes prepaid insurance associated with debt issuance. This account is invalid for governmental funds.


Unamortized Dredging (State Ports Authority Use Only) 


 Goodwill (Invalid for year end 6/30/2002.  Use account 127500 Capital Assets instead)


Bond Issuance Cost - Non-Current  (This account is invalid  beginning  FY 2014 because of GASB 65.)


Investment in Joint Venture


Hedging Derivatives - Noncurrent
A derivative instrument that is associated with a hedgeable item and significantly reduces an identified financial risk by substantially offsetting changes in cash flows or fair values of the hedgeable item.  Common types of derivative instruments used by governments include interest rate and commodity swaps, interest rate locks, options (caps, floors, and collars), swaptions, forward contracts, and futures contracts.

129780 Net OPEB Asset – Noncurrent
For the noncurrent portion of the Net OPEB Asset as defined by GASB 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions.   This account is classified as a noncurrent asset for financial statement disclosure.  Net OPEB Asset:  the portion of the actuarial present value of projected benefit payments that is attributed to past periods of employee service, less the OPEB plan's fiduciary net position in which the OPEB plan's fiduciary net position exceeds the total OPEB liability, resulting in a collective net OPEB asset.  The account should only reflect the allocated portion of the net OPEB asset for that agency for cost-sharing plans and any net OPEB asset associated with single-employer plans administered by the agency.  [See GASB 75, paragraph 59 footnote 14, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions for more information.]


Other Non-Current Assets (Invalid for year end 6/30/2002.  Use a more detailed 12XXXX noncurrent asset account instead.)